AI policy, strategy, ethics and risk
How can we create the body of knowledge we need, together?
Advised a European prime minister’s office during EU’s drafting of 2020 AI and trust white paper
Co-wrote public comments on European Commission’s 2020 draft White paper on artificial intelligence - a European approach to excellence and trust
Advised Swedish government delegation on computer vision tech, and AI policy, strategy, ethics and risk
Interviewed by Politico Europe, the BBC, Science & Vie (Paris), ADA (Berlin)
Interviewed on U.S. AI Policy by Politico Europe
Reconnaissance faciale le grand malaise. Science & Vie (Paris)
Overcoming bias: Can ethical principles guarantee ethical AI in healthcare. Intelligent health AI in medicine summit. Basel, Switzerland.
Computer vision, tech, and AI policy. Swedish government delegation Silicon Valley AI tour. Atlantic Council
Fellow at Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University. Cambridge, MA
AI and Governance Assembly Fellow at Harvard Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society and MIT Media Lab. Cambridge, MA
Big technology and founder advising:
Privacy and AI policy, law, and ethics strategic leadership and product counseling for big tech companies.
Partner at law firm serving AI, robotics, and other tech start-ups in Boston/Cambridge, NYC, Silicon Valley and globally. Led firm’s Data Protection and Cybersecurity; Global Business and Human Rights; AI Policy; and SF Bay Area practices. U.S. counsel for international start-ups. Cambridge, MA and Oakland, CA.
Writing and editing:
AI Governance Multi-stakeholder Convening, The Oxford Handbook of AI Governance. Oxford University Press
Wrote AI guidance for government leaders published by Harvard Kennedy School, read in ~8,000 cities
Traveled to Tunisia to recruit and lead international team of 15 contributors to create Government Briefing Book: Emerging Technologies and Human Rights, distributed to governments and NGOs on six continents
Children’s Rights and Participation in Data Governance (panel/workshop). The Fifteenth Annual Meeting of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF). United Nations. Poland.
US India Roundtable on Institutional Trust, Indo-U.S. Science and Technology Forum (IUSSTF) and the Trustworthy AI Standing Committee. India.
Emerging tech and human rights. Berkman Klein Center. Harvard, Cambridge, MA
Human rights roundtables and consultations:
Consulted for numerous AI and human rights reports including:
Project on Facial Recognition and Human Rights. CSIS
Report on the responsible use of technology during public health emergencies. BSR.
Roundtable on the ethics of AI in education. Institute for ethical AI in education, U.K.
Global conference leadership:
Organizer/program committee/track chair for MIT Latin American AI summit, PAPIs Global, and RightsCon Tunis
Accelerator and hackathon mentoring:
Strategy, tech, business, legal, and ethics advisor 12+ global teams in MassChallenge startup accelerators (Boston, Chile, Switzerland), MIT COVID-19 Challenge Africa, Teens in AI COVID-19 Online Hack, Teens in AI Ada Lovelace Hack