AI policy, strategy, ethics and risk

How does this moment in history change what we can do and what we should do?





Senior advisor at The Hastings Center. Garrison, NY

Led strategic work towards positioning bioethics leader, The Hastings Center, as a global leader in AI and bioethics

Advised The Hastings Center’s president, director of research, and research and communications staff on AI tech, issues and impacts

Policy/research advisor, COVID Alliance



A motorcycle, a dozen balconies, and the art of social distancing. Harvard Kennedy School

If only George Bailey was president now. Harvard Kennedy School


Overcoming bias: Can ethical principles guarantee ethical AI in healthcare. Intelligent health AI in medicine summit. Basel, Switzerland.

Surveillance technology governance during and after COVID-19 (panel). Stanford Business School and Law School, Palo Alto, CA


Accelerator and hackathon mentoring:

Strategy, tech, business, legal, and ethics advisor 12+ global teams in MassChallenge startup accelerators (Boston, Switzerland, Chile), MIT COVID-19 Challenge Africa, and Teens in AI COVID-19 Online Hack